We follow the integrated Treatment system of Ayurveda, Kundalini Yoga, Marma Treatments, Siddha Treatments , Naturopathy , Physiotherapy and Homeopathy .
Indimasi has organic vegetable farming, dairy, swimming pool and a Kalari (school of Indian martial art) in the campus.
Indimasi School of Ayurveda & Yoga provides certification in basic and advanced courses in yoga as well as a Teachers Training course in yoga. Besides this, Indimasi also offers certificate courses in Kalari (from basic course to research facilities) at our campus.
We will upload packages and rate sheets today with
wellnessayur.com . But sharing this informations to get an idea about Indimasi Healing Village.
We do have exclusive treatments for Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis, Spondylosis, Parkinsons , Migraine, back pain, disc issues, Stroke, Neurological disorders etc.
We extend result assured treatments for all these issues. Kindly find attached Rate sheet and packages from Indimasi Healing Village.
Our Package inclusions are as below:
1. Airport Transfers from Trivandrum International Airport
2. Accommodation
3. Ayurveda Treatments
4. Meals as per diet plan prescribed by the doctors
5.Yoga sessions (Morning and Evening)
6. Marma Treatment experience
7. Consultation with Guru Yogi Sivan
8. Half day trip - Experience Trivandrum City
9. Evening Meditation
Indimasi is situated in the hillocks close to the Ponmudi hills, away from the beach. This is because, for treatment of serious ailments, the center has to be away from the seaside as salty air is not conducible.
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