Sagara Beach Resort, Kovalam Kerala
7 Days
Hotel Packages
50 persons
Rheumatic and paralytic ailments and nervous weakness and disorders are rooted out through this treatment. Herbal oils are kept moderately heated over a low flame and applied over the whole body by two or four trained masseurs once a day. Each session lasts 60 to 90 minutes and the period of treatment may vary from 7 to 21 days according to the gravity of the ailment and the condition of the body.
Traditional Ayurvedic therapy known as Pizhichil has its roots in India and has been used for many years. Snehana (Oleation) and Swedana (sudation), two therapeutic modalities, are combined in this distinctive and revitalising procedure.
A Pizhichil session involves the patient lying on a hardwood table that has been particularly created while professional therapists pour warm medicinal oil over their bodies and give them a coordinated message. Pizhichil oil is extremely healthy for the body and mind because it is made by infusing a variety of herbs and therapeutic components.
This treatment is renowned for its calming and energising qualities. It aids in reducing physical discomfort, joint stiffness, and muscular strain. Additionally, Pizhichil encourages blood flow, body cleansing, and tissue hydration. It is especially helpful for ailments including weariness, neurological problems, paralysis, and arthritis.
In order to balance the body's doshas (energetic forces) and improve general well-being, Pizhichil offers a holistic therapeutic experience. Physical, mental, and emotional balance is promoted by the combination of rhythmic massage and heated oil. Pizhichil is still a well-liked and cherished Ayurvedic therapy because of its lengthy history and therapeutic advantages.
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