Ananda In The Himalayas, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
15 Days
Hotel Packages
50 persons
Ananda is the perfect haven to gain control over your body through Ayurvedic and International treatments, detox therapies, exercise, yoga, diet and meditation. A safe and effective way to lose weight, this programme improves your metabolism and leaves you with a toned body and renewed vigour. It is also one of the few programmes in the world where the release of emotional blockages is such a key component. The whole approach behind Ananda’s Weight Management programme is through a supportive, non-aggressive process, yet yielding the desired results.
The pillars of Ananda’s Weight Management programme are detox therapies, exercise, Yoga, meditation and a personalised diet. Emotional healing is a key component here. The fitness activity in the weight management programme is primarily focused on burning calories. The fitness consultation on the day of arrival helps our trainers understand the body based on cardiovascular function, muscle strength and flexibility. Specific training patterns like interval training will be planned according to these three parameters. A dosha-based diet made of organic ingredients with balanced micro and macronutrients helps to balance the Agni or metabolic power in the body. When Agni is out of balance it builds a pseudo appetite and improper digestion leading to the accumulation of metabolic wastes and thereby causing an increase in cellulite and fat deposition in the body. The Comprehensive Weight Management Programme starting 14 nights starts with procedures to eliminate the ama or the metabolic waste and to reduce the subcutaneous fat from the body. Essential oils are infused with sea salt for a powerful aromatherapy body scrub to remove toxins from the skin. Other therapeutic treatments move the toxins and metabolic waste through the ‘brothas’ or circulatory channels as a preparation to eliminate them through the Panchakarma or cleansing procedures. Sodhana procedures like medicated oil enemas and decoction enemas completely eliminate the toxins from the body and boost the metabolic rate. A properly balanced diet based on one’s body type and Ayurvedic lifestyle routine is prescribed as aftercare to maintain the result of the cleansing and to boost metabolism. The Ananda weight management programme enables better metabolism and lightness of the body, better digestion and absorption of nutrients, weight loss and a toned body and better strength, flexibility and stamina. The emotional healing sessions work on releasing repressed emotions to ensure balanced mind-body balance and functioning.
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