Ayuskama Ayurveda yoga wellness is a nature care institution immersed in the exercise, propagation, exploration and teaching of Ayurveda, the ancient therapeutic system of India. Ayuskama Ayurveda yoga wellness is aspired to make quality Ayurveda medical care and education available to each and every person, in a cost beneficial way. Ayuskama Ayurveda yoga wellness educational institute is situated on the India bank of holy Ganga river Rishikesh Ayuskama Ayurveda.
We include realistic detox treatments like panchakarma therapy, sharkarma therapy, Yoga therapy for healing the body.
Marma therapy, Shirodhara, Ayurveda massage {abyangama}, Yoga therapies for mind balancing in Ayurveda Yoga wellness.
Ayuskama Ayurveda yoga wellness team experts and doctors are very devoted for their work that is why they sort the diet plan to maximize the results of treatment for ensuring that our client will see the result in real time.
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