Manaltheeram Ayurveda Beach Village, Kovalam Kerala
7 Days
Hotel Packages
50 persons
This is to enhance and preserve your natural immunity. This therapy includes basic purification, various types of body massage, Snehana, Swedana, Pizhichil, Njavarakizhi, Sirodhara, Podikizhi, Sirovasihy, Nasyam, and bath. Duration will be about 2 to 3 hours per day. Special herbal medicines will be provided for internal use to improve the functions of the immune system.
The immune system produces antibodies and memory cells as a result of immunisation. When the person is exposed to the real disease-causing virus in the future, these immune responses offer a quick and efficient defence mechanism. There are vaccines available for a variety of illnesses, such as measles, polio, influenza, hepatitis, and many others.
The prevention of infectious disease transmission within populations and even the complete eradication of some illnesses are all made possible through vaccination. It has helped to save countless lives and advance public health in general. Furthermore, immunisation campaigns are frequently advised for particular populations, such as young children, healthcare professionals, and those with weakened immune systems, in order to give them increased protection.
The right vaccines are given to people at the right ages and intervals when they follow regular immunisation regimens that are advised by medical professionals and public health organisations. The immune system is boosted by this proactive approach, which also improves people's general well-being and that of society at large.
Duration of the Programme 7 or 14 Days
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