Naad Wellness Retreat, Sonipat, Haryana
11 Days
Hotel Packages
50 persons
The ancient Ayurvedic texts describe two basic types of arthritis that correspond with osteoarthritis (Sandhigata Vata) and rheumatoid arthritis (Ama Vata). In Osteoarthritis, the vitiated Vata afflicts the joints and causes destruction of the cartilage and reduction in the Synovial Fluid inside the joint capsule, leading to swelling which results in a condition similar to painful movement. In Amavata vitiation of Vata Dosha and accumulation of Ama take place in joints, which simulate rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in modern parlance. Pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints are the most common symptoms of arthritis. Naad’s Arthritis Management program endeavors to ease these symptoms, increase joint mobility and balance the aggravated dosha.
Therapies Included:
The therapies part of this program (such as Choorna Pinda Sweda, Upanaha Sweda, Compress/packs, and Acupuncture amongst others) shall be planned and customized by our resident doctors after an individual consultation with them.
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